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Revision as of 00:33, 10 September 2024

RMC has a variety of slangs and acronyms used. This is an uncompleted compilation of slang that can be found used on the server.

General and Server-related Slangs

Slang Term: Meaning:
EORG End of Round Grief = Griefing at the end of the current round. This is an immediate 3 hour ban offense!
Roon/Roony/Rouny Runner. This is both used by marines and xenonid.

Marines Slang and Acronyms

Slang Term: Meaning:
AO Area of Operations
AP Armor Piercing (Ammo)
AWOL Away Without Official Leave = Desertion
Cades Barricades
CAS Close Air Support
CIC Combat Information Center = A place where the commands staff is.
CL Corporate Liaison
CMO Chief Medical Officer
CMP Chief Military Police
CO Commanding Officer
Cryo/Cryosleep A general term for hypersleep. Enter here whenever you want to leave.
Danger Close Friendly forces are within close proximity of the CAS or Mortar
DS(1&2) Almayer Dropships. This is either the Alamo or Normandy
ERT Emergency Response Team
E Tool Entrenching tool
FF Friendly Fire
FUBAR Fucked up beyond all repair/recovery/recognition. This is somewhat rare.
HC High Command (Admins)
Infected/Hugged Impregnated person (via parasites)
KIA Killed In Action
KOS Kill On Sight
LOS Line of Sight/Land of Sight
LOF Line of Fire
Mag Magazine
MIA Missing In Action = Contact lost with marine (may or may not be desertion)
MP Military Police
Nade Grenade (Usually high explosive grenade)
NJP Non-Judicial Punishments
OW Overwatch
PB Point Blank = Shooting someone adjacent to you either intentionally or accidentally.
FOB Forward/Field Operating Base
Unga Both a verb and a noun, to unga is to charge or otherwise do something with minimal thinking or planning. For instance, "Delta is ungaing off again..."

Where as a noun, it's basically the same, just a marine who is focused on killing and isn't really planning anything out. For instance, "Delta is full of ungas." Sometimes it is used as a chant, like "unga dunga". Very powerful word.

Bald a marine being new or just being extremely confused of what their doing
Jarhead a term used to refer to marines. Comes from the haircut its named after.

Xenonid Slang and Acronyms

Slang Term: Meaning:
Eepy Sleepy. Mostly used by xenonids.
Bird Perch This is a translated word of Landing Zone for xenonids.
Sky fire This is a translated word of Mortar for xenonids.