User:KalimbaMachine/Xeno Guide

From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki
Revision as of 19:37, 10 September 2024 by KalimbaMachine (talk | contribs) (n/a)

this is just my work in progress page if you're reading this it means im cooking...

Xenonid Castes

Base Evolution

The first step in the Xenonid evolution chain. Freshly burst, very weak. Hide in safety until its time to evolve.

Lesser Drone

Tend to the needs of the hive. Learn the basics of Xenonid infecting, pinning, tackling, and handling eggs. The janitors of the Xenonid Caste. Cannot Evolve.
One objective. Attach yourself to hosts with your Leap ability, or the help of your hive. Cannot Evolve.

Tier 1 Evolution


Hive Contrstuction class. Place weed nodes to spread the hive, create walls and doors to grow the defenses. Use your Pheromones to passively buff and heal others in your hive. Spit acid to melt items and structures.

Tier 2 Evolution

Tier 3 Evolution

Tier 4 Evolution