Corporate Liaison
From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki
The Corporate Shill
Difficulty: Medium
Supervisors: Weston Yamada Corporate Office
Rank: Junior Executive / Executive / Senior Executive / Executive Specialist
Duties: Further the interests of the corporation.
Guides: This is the guide, Guide to Paperwork
Unlock Requirements: 10 hours as any human role.
Detailed Description:
They serve to ensure the investments in the marines are put to good use and push along the agenda of the corporation.Corporate Liaisons are formal representatives of Weston-Yamada,
The primary goal of any liaison is to report back to Weston Yamada on the ongoing efforts of the United Nations Marine Corps whilst trying to steer the marines to achieve goals in favour of their employers. Use your fax machine to relay information to headquarters, ask for new tasks or seek instructions on what you should be doing. You may often go without a response, and this is normal.They hold no military rank, and are not required to follow military orders. However they are also unable to give military orders as well.