Main Page
From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki
About RMC-14
RMC-14 is a game inspired by CM13, Space Station 13, and runs on Robust Toolbox.
The design goal is to attempt to replicate the feel and experience of CM13, while using SS14 as a foundation.
You can find the Discord here.
New? Start here!
- First day as a rifleman
- Medical guide
- Requisitions guide
- Dropship/CAS guide
- Xenonid guide
- Chain Of Command
RMC consists of various factions with their own goals and alliances.
- Marines (UNMC)
- Xenonids
- Weston-Yamada (We-Ya)
- Socialist Progressive Peoples (SPP)
- Three Suns Empire (TSE)
- Aegis Armaments
- Colony Liberation Front (CLF)
- Nanotrasen (NT)
UNMC Ships
Planet Maps
- LV-624
- Solaris Ridge
- Fiorina Science Annex
- Shiva's Snowball
- Trijent Dam (Not yet in rotation)