
From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki
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RMC has a variety of slangs and acronyms used. This is an uncompleted compilation of slang that can be found used on the server.

General and Server-related Slangs

Slang Term: Meaning:
EORG End of Round Grief = Griefing at the end of the current round. This is an immediate 3 hour ban offense!
Roon/Roony/Rouny Xenonid Runner
Woyer Xenonid Warrior

Marines Slang and Acronyms

Slang Term: Meaning:
AO Area of Operations
AP Armor Piercing (Ammo)
ATL Anti-Tank Launcher, the weapon used by the demolitionist weapon specialist.
AWOL Away Without Official Leave = Desertion
Cades Barricades
CAS Close Air Support
CIC Combat Information Center = A place where the commands staff is.
CL Corporate Liaison
CMO Chief Medical Officer
CMP Chief Military Police
CO Commanding Officer
Cryo/Cryosleep A general term for hypersleep. Enter here whenever you want to leave.
Danger Close Friendly forces are within close proximity of the CAS or Mortar
DS(1&2) Dropships. This is either the Alamo or Normandy
ERT Emergency Response Team
E Tool Entrenching tool
FF Friendly Fire
FUBAR Fucked up beyond all repair/recovery/recognition. This is somewhat rare.
HC High Command (Admins)
HE High Explosive. Refers to multiple explosive items. (Grenades, Shells, Rockets, etc.)
Infected/Hugged Impregnated person (via parasites)
KIA Killed In Action
KOS Kill On Sight
LOS Line of Sight/Lane of Sight
LOF Line of Fire
Mag Magazine
MIA Missing In Action = Contact lost with marine (may or may not be desertion)
MP Military Police
Nade Grenade (Usually high explosive grenade)
NJP Non-Judicial Punishments
OW Overwatch
PB Point Blank = Shooting someone adjacent to you either intentionally or accidentally.
SADAR An alternative, older name for the ATL rocket launcher used by the demolitionist specialist. Stands for 'Shoulder-launched Active-homing Disposable Anti-tank Rocket'. Can refer to the launcher itself, or the person holding it.
FOB Forward/Field Operating Base
Unga Both a verb and a noun, to unga is to charge or otherwise do something with minimal thinking or planning. For instance, "Delta is ungaing off again..."

Where as a noun, it's basically the same, just a marine who is focused on killing and isn't really planning anything out. For instance, "Delta is full of ungas." Sometimes it is used as a chant, like "unga dunga". Very powerful word.

Bald A marine being new or just being extremely confused of what their doing.
Jarhead A term used to refer to marines. Comes from the haircut its named after.
Rocket Jump When a demolitionist weapons specialist fires their rocket launcher pointblank, blowing themselves up and usually dying.

Xenonid Slang and Acronyms

Slang Term: Meaning:
Auto Spitter Sentries
Bird Perch This is a translated word of Landing Zone for xenonids.
Boom Sitck Grenade. Usually High explosive grenades.
Boom Stick Spitter Grenadier Specialist
Boom Tube Demolition Specialist
Eepy Sleepy. Mostly used by xenonids.
Long Spitter Sniper Specialist
Small Host Usually referring to monkeys.
Sky Fire Mortar strikes and Close Air Support fire.
Tall Host Usually referring to a marine.
Tall Lurker Scout Specialist
Smart Spitter Smartgunner