Main Page
From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki
About RMC-14
RMC-14 is a Space Station 14 fork inspired by CM13 (from Space Station 14) that runs on Robust Toolbox.
The design goal of this fork is to attempt to replicate the feel and experience of CM13, while using SS14 as a foundation.
You can find the Discord here.
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- Marines (UNMC)
- Weston-Yamada (We-Ya)
- Socialist Progressive Peoples (SPP)
- Three Suns Empire (TSE)
- Aegis Armaments
- Colony Liberation Front (CLF)
- Nanotrasen (NT)
- Xenonids
UNMC Ships
Planet Maps
- LV-624
- Solaris Ridge
- Fiorina Science Annex
- Shiva's Snowball
- Trijent Dam (Not yet in rotation)