Auxiliary Support Officer

From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki
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Auxiliary Support Officer
Difficulty: Hard
Supervisors: Executive Officer, Commanding Officer
Rank: 1st Lieutenant / Captain (70 hours)
Duties: Oversee the Engineering, Research, Auxiliary Support, and Requisitions departments.
Guides: This is the guide.
Unlock Requirements: 5 hours as any squad role, 5 hours in any engineering role, 5 hours as any auxiliary (pilot) role, 5 hours as requisitions.
Detailed Description:
The Auxiliary Support officer is in charge of the requisitions, intelligence, engineering, and auxiliary support department. They are mostly self-reliant, but you may sometimes be needed to fill in to assist a department to ensure all of these departments are running smoothly. Finally, as the Auxiliary Support Officer, you are the third in command of the Almayer.

Credits to the folks at the CM-SS13 wiki for the template found above. The rest of their work can be found here: