Weston Yamada's PMCs

From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki
Revision as of 23:45, 25 October 2024 by Hatemails (talk | contribs) (fleshing out PMCs)

Credits to the folks at the CM-SS13 wiki for the template found above. The rest of their work can be found here: https://cm-ss13.com/wiki/Main_Page

Weston Yamada's PMCs
Difficulty: Varies on the mission objective
Supervisors: Corporate Liaison, Weston-Yamada
Rank: N/A, No available time ranks
Duties: Varies. Usually when you're called down the first thing you should do is ensure the safety of the Liaison.
Guides: This is the guide.
Unlock Requirements: This is an Emergency Response Team. Only available through a distress beacon or admin intervention
Detailed Description:
You are part of a private military team directed by Weston-Yamada's PMC Dispatch Department, you were called on the Almayer to ensure the safety of the Corporate Liaison. If the Liaison is dead on arrival, consult the operation commander for further information on how you should proceed.


Good morning, merc!

You are one of many elite mercenaries contracted by Weston-Yamada’s PMC Dispatch division, the private military arm of one of the galaxy’s largest megacorporations. With operations spanning across multiple star systems, your job is simple: respond to crises, enforce corporate interests, and ensure Weston-Yamada’s dominance in the most hostile environments.

Whether it’s quelling civil unrest on colony worlds, securing resource-rich sectors from pirates, or engaging in covert operations to sabotage competitors, PMCs are Weston-Yamada's solution to maintaining control and expanding influence—by any means necessary.

As part of this vast mercenary army, you’ll be deployed on a moment's notice to the hottest conflict zones, equipped with cutting-edge military technology and backed by the corporation’s nearly limitless resources. Loyalty may not be a requirement here, but competence is. Fail the mission, and you’ll be replaced by someone more capable—success, however, means more lucrative contracts and a reputation as one of Weston-Yamada’s most valued assets.