Combat Information Center (CIC) Guide

From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki
Revision as of 10:13, 19 January 2025 by Vorkath (talk | contribs) (Updated at last. More things about tacmap, updated tablet and warship control console, updated telephones with a footnote)
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So, it's your first time as a Staff Officer, or you've been unfortunate enough to have the chain of command fall so that you are at the top. You've just entered the Combat Information Center for the first time, and you have no idea what you are doing or looking at.

Fear no more, for this guide will walk you through the functions of everything in the Combat Information Center (abbreviated as CIC going forth.)

The CIC is located on the second floor of the Almayer, on the west side locked behind blue command doors. Inside, there exists the four Overwatch Consoles, the live Tactical Map(s), Groundside Operations Console, command tablet, and Warship Control Console. There are also multiple ship security camera consoles, which will be covered but are not mutually exclusive to being in the CIC.

Set up your HUD

As a member of CIC, communication will be your bread and butter. While not technically necessary, it is very strongly advised that you ensure that you are using the "Separated" HUD option. It will allow you to see much more of your chat history, which will be highly useful due to the large amount of communication frequencies that CIC staff have access to.


Within the CIC are five telephones. They are immensely important pieces of equipment as it is one of the few ways for marines and command to communicate with eachother if a communications relay is not online. There are five of these located in the CIC - Four of them paired up with a respective Overwatch Console (i.e., the phone on the desk with purple tiles underneath it is of the address "Charlie Overwatch") and one in the CIC bubble - the glass box where the executive or commanding officer typically sits labelled "Combat Information Center."

As a staff, executive, or even commanding officer, it is one of your highest priorities to answer the phones as it means someone on the other side is trying to tell you something that they think you need to know.

Do note that you can not hear when a telephone is ringing while you are in Overwatch. Make sure to check every couple seconds or so, or pay attention to your chat - as often someone else will notify you of a phone ringing so you do not miss calls.

The Overwatch Console

The Overwatch console(s), located on the west side of the CIC are perhaps the most important pieces of machinery in the CIC, and it is the primary responsibility of the Staff Officers to man them.




The Overwatch Console must first be logged into in order to use. Deliberate amongst the other staff officers about who will be overwatching for which squad, or be assigned to one by the executive or commanding officer.

In the top right section you are able to view the name of the current overwatch operator and are able to log out by hitting the "Stop Overwatch" button. Use this to swap which squad the console is viewing if it is desired.

The button "Message Squad" will send every squad marine a message from overwatch accompanied by an audio queue. This works even while communications are down, and is easier to notice than normal radio messages!


Displays the current Squad Leader, and amount of active Fire Team Leaders, Specialist, Smart Gun Operator, Hospital Corpsmen, Combat Technicians, and the total amount of marines in the squad.


Name - Click on a marine's name to view their helmet camera. If no helmet is worn, this option will not be available.

Role - Displays the role of the squad marine.

State - Displays the status of the marine - Alive, Unconscious (critical), or Dead. It will also specify if they are SSD or not.

Red Minus - Will hide a squad marine from the monitor. Use the "Show hidden" button to make these marines visible once again.

Green Arrow - Will promote a squad marine to Acting Squad Leader. This will give them the squad leader icon, make marine's SL trackers point to this marine, and give the marine the Command and JTAC frequencies in their radio. You can not promote dead marines to Acting Squad Leader.

Transfer Marine - Opens a list containing the name of every marine in the corresponding squad. Upon selecting a marine, will bring up another list of every active squad. Selecting a squad will transfer the selected marine to the selected squad.



This tab allows you to input coordinates supplied to you by the marines groundside, and launch a crate on those coordinates that has been loaded on to the corresponding by requisitions.



This tab allows you to fire the UNS Almayer's Orbital Cannon on the desired set of coordinates. Once fired, there is a 20 second delay before the orbital warhead lands - upon which anything within a 15 tile radius will be caught in the blast.

Blast radius of the Incendiary orbital warhead.

Upon receiving coordinates and a request for an Orbital Bombardment strike, it is highly recommended that you discuss with the CIC or ask the Commander for permission to fire.


This button will open a live version of the tactical map. It is functionally identical to opening the physical tactical maps located on the tables west and to the east of the CIC bubble, and the 'view tactical map' button on the command tablet interface. It will display the marine's locations in real time, as well as the locations of the two communications towers, the sensor tower, and the positions of any xenonids if the sensor tower has been repaired by the marines.


Update Canvas will update the tactical map for all Marines, causing the snapshot image brought up by the View Tactical Map action to display the most recent image. This action has a 240 second cooldown, and so should be left to the Commander's discretion.

Clear Canvas will clear the canvas of all markings made.

Undo will clear the last mark made.

Colors may be selected from the dropdown menu on the right side.

Groundside Operations Console

The Groundside Operation console is located in the CIC bubble - the glass box in the center of CIC. It has two primary functions - making an announcement and viewing Overwatch.

Making an announcement will send out the message as a Command Announcement, visible to all marines wearing a headset regardless of communications being online or location. A sound queue plays alongside the announcement once it it sent, and sending announcements has a 30 second cooldown.

Using Overwatch through the Groundside Operations Console brings up the Overwatch Dashboard window, which is functionally identical to the one on the Overwatch Consoles, minus the supply drop function.

Command Tablet

The Command Tablet spawns just above the CIC bubble, next to the north CIC armory door. It is a unique item in the sense that only one exists in the entire round. The Command Tablet is able to send out command announcements, allows you to view a live tactical map from anywhere, and has the medal awarding function. Only whitelisted Commanding Officers are able to award medals.

Typically, the highest ranking officer is to be given ownership of the tablet.

Warship Control Console

The Warship Control Console, located just below the Groundside Operations Console has the function of authorizing evacuation, and awarding medals. Evacuation can only be authorized after a hijacked dropship crashes into the Almayer - not beforehand. Once evacuation is authorized, evacuation pods and the lifeboats may be launched at any time. Only whitelisted Commanding Officers are able to award medals.