Operation Justice

From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki

Operation Justice was the first major conflict that the UNMC was deployed into, since the Sol Campaign pressured the UN government to bolster their funding and recruitment. The colony world of Justice suffered from a socialist-led coup, resulting in overthrowing the UN-supported government and the installment of a pro-SPP regime. The United Nations Government and UNMC High Command, already harboring a deep distrust in the colonies, wasted no effort in mobilizing and deploying a massive task-force. The task-force being solely dedicated with retaking the colony by force. The SPP also not desiring to lose the opportunity to get their hands on a rich colonial world deployed their own task-force, resulting in the first major engagement between the two super-powers since the start of the Cold-War.

The Operation was extremely bloody, most notably for the civilians caught in the crossfire. The UNMC had already gained a sour reputation among colonial worlds due to rumored massacring of civilians. There was also a deep dislike for the colonies by veteran officers who had served in the Sol Campaign. They foresaw Justice as the second Sol Campaign and therefore permitted marines off the record to fight unrestricted, regardless of civilian life caught on the battlefield, in order to prevent such a disaster from occurring in UN history a second time. Some historians argue these cruel stances by High Command as a result of nervousness and desire to protect more United Nations lives, however others saw it as a sole desire to uphold UN hegemony through an iron fist.

The end of the conflict was the usage of nuclear weapons and withdrawal of both of the SPP and UNMC forces after years of battle. The conflict failed to see a winning side with most of the colony now in ruins and referred to as 'unusable'. After the full withdrawal, a humanitarian relief force from the Interstellar Sapient-Life Rights Council was assembled and said to have been sent to aid those left in the aftermath. However, little money actually went to the relief force. In the end after the media had blown over the incident and forgotten it. The relief force was eventually disbanded and the planet left on its own. The disaster quickly became the first rallying call for a rise to action with the belief of 'Fend for ourselves' mentality.