Main Page

From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki

About RMC-14

RMC-14 is a game inspired by CM13, Space Station 13, and runs on Robust Toolbox.

The design goal is to attempt to replicate the feel and experience of CM13, while using SS14 as a foundation.

Community Links
Discord Community
Round Replays
Xenonid Guides
Xenonid Quickstart Guide
Planets and Stations
LV-624 MAP
Solaris Ridge (LV-1413) MAP
Fiorina Science Annex MAP
Shiva's Snowball (LV-57) MAP
Trijent Dam (LV-670) MAP
New Varadero MAP
Chances Claim MAP
Kutjevo Refinery (LV-686) MAP
UNMC Ships
Almayer CM13 MAP
Savannah MAP