Staff Officer Guide

From Rouny's Marine Corps 14 Wiki

This guide is a work in progress. The contents are subject to change.

So you've set Staff Officer to Low as a joke but through some sick cosmic joke you've rolled one of the most important roles in the game with absolutely no idea what to do. Fret not, this guide will be the framework upon which you will learn the information needed to avoid getting yelled at by the Commander.

Your Purpose

Your purpose is to keep watch over the squad you are assigned to. At the bare minimum you should be:

  1. Relaying as much information from your squad to the rest of the CIC.
  2. Relaying needed information to your squad from the CIC.
  3. Keeping the squad consolidated and on target.
  4. Constantly pestering Requisitions for supplies.
  5. Making sure there is a Squad Leader that is not incapacitated in some form.
  6. Keeping an eye on your squad helmet cameras.
  7. Keeping another eye on the squad's position on the Tactical Map.
  8. Keeping yet another eye on the chat for when your squad (or the Commander) is trying to talk to you.

This may seem like a lot, and it is, but once you figure out the best method for you to achieve all these objectives you can quickly skyrocket to being a very good Staff Officer (Which is actually quite concerning because doing the bare minimum should not make you one of the best but that's just the world the marines live in.).

Relaying Information

This is the most important part of the job. You must be constantly talking to your squad and the CIC. A few examples of where your communication is essential are:

  • Relaying to the CIC what the contacts your squad is facing are and where they are coming from. E.g. "Two boilers NW of Delta!"
  • Relaying to the CIC when the Queen is near the squad. E.g. "Queen on Charlie!" - This is extra important because saying it for your squad gives them more time to react to the Queen's presence without having to stop and yell "FUCKING RUN IT'S THE QUEEN!!!"
  • Relaying to your squad when the Queen is on another squad, which allows your squad to gain some ground, set up proper defenses, or give assistance to another squad. E.g. "The Queen is attacking Alpha, use this chance to make some progress south!"
  • Relaying casualties to your squad and the CIC. E.g. to your squad: "John Comtech has been taken." E.g. to the CIC: "Mass casualty on Bravo!"

The Overwatch Console

The Overwatch Console is the tool of your trade. It is one of the only guaranteed methods in which you get information to and from the squad you are watching over.

The UI

Your bread and butter.

Let's go over each of the several buttons.

The Message Squad Button

This is how you send messages to your squad. You can use the radio, but do not expect your message to get through. If someone asks you something through the radio there's a good chance you can reply to them with the radio, but only do that if you know that communication is stable.

You should be using the squad message system nearly all the time. It lets your squad know that at least you are paying attention, in some capacity.

65% of all your messages should be some variation of "Get to your squad leader!". Especially if the squad is spread out or if all squads are grouped up into a big marine-y mess. It is significantly easier for the squad to receive the squad message because it sends a sound alongside BIG BOLDED LETTERS that are very hard to ignore.

They are all blue, despite there being more squads than just Delta.
An example of a message sent via the Message Squad button.